
Sherry S. Borshoff, EA

What is the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)?

What is the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) as a measure to determine whether a taxpayer qualifies for certain contributions or deductions to a Roth IRA (Individual Retirement Account). MAGI also determines if a taxpayer qualifies for certain income tax credits and education tax benefits. In simple terms, it denotes your […]

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10 Ways to Help Your Business Survive a Recession

10 Ways to Help Your Business Survive a Recession

An economic recession is a notable decline in the economy, which lasts for some time and affects the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), industrial production, real income, wholesale-retail sales, and employment. It is important for small business owners to learn some tips on how to survive a recession. When a recession hits, it severely affects entrepreneurs

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Gain The Best Competitive Strategies In Your Business

Gain The Best Competitive Strategies In Your Business

Standing out in a crowded market is the goal of every growing business in competitive industries. Yet, a competitive edge doesn’t happen overnight. Developing competitive strategies is what sets successful companies apart from the rest. Dominating an industry, attracting new customers, and positioning the company in the market requires a detailed plan of action that

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What is the American Rescue Plan? | What to Know

What is the American Rescue Plan? | What to Know

The health and economic crisis has negatively affected the well-being of millions of Americans. Most importantly, low-wage workers, certain minority groups, and immigrants are going through a deep economic crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in more than 9.5 million workers losing their jobs, and 4 million have been out of work for more than

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Outsourcing Payroll Can Make You Big Money

4 Awesome Reasons Why Outsourcing Payroll Can Make You Big Money

To run a successful business, small business owners are responsible for many things, including the creation of the name of the business, the organizational structure, the marketing plan and strategy, and a solid understanding of how to make the business grow. A big part of this is financial planning (budgeting), which can be very difficult

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